Recently one of our customers default vCenter certificate is expired after 2 years and we lost the UI access. I got an error about SimpliVity plugin after renewed the certificate. I shared two screenshots below you can see it.

In my case, I needed to remove the SimpliVity plugin on vCenter and I registered the Simplivity plugin again using the same version. Try to access the following path and uninstall the plugin as it is shown in the picture.

I don’t want to mention about installing the SimpliVity plugin here. Detaily documented version can be found in link below.
Even If you can’t access your OVC using vCenter credentials after accessing vCenter, then you need to commit vCenter credentials again on the OVCs. Use svtcli account and access OVC and run the following command due to your environment.
dsv-update-vcenter --server vCenter_Server_IP_address --username vCenter_user_name --password vCenter_password
svt-update-vcenter --server vCenter_Server_IP_address --username vCenter_user_name --password vCenter_password
Thanks for your time and for reading my article. I wish you a good and successful day.
Thanks a ton for the post. I was facing the same problem and spent a whole week with the HPE Simplivity guys trying to get the plugin to work. Reinstalled vcenter and the plugin several times and also regenerated / refreshed the certificates several times before the HPE team gave up and told us it was a VCenter issue! Thankfully, I found your post and it solved the issue in one go!
Happy to hear that. Thanks for the feedback.