Useful HPE SimpliVity commands

I will share a bunch of useful HPE SimpliVity commands in this article. Before execution the commands you should get the root permission using the following command then enter the simplivity command directory. All HPE SimpliVity commands run inside this directory.

sudo su
source /var/tmp/build/bin/appsetup

Collecting logs for support. You get a link to download the log file when the capturing is done and all logs can be downloaded via a browser.


The time zone is set default as America/New_York, when HPE SimpliVity is installed. It affects your backup schedule if you don’t change it properly to your time zone. You may retrive the current and available time zones using the following commands.


For instance, I would like to set my infra time zone Europe/Istanbul using the following command. Don’t forget to run the following command each of the ovcs and check it out whether everything is okay when you set your time zone. I mean, check the OmniStackVC time, backups’ timestamps etc.

svt-timezone-set --timezone Europe/Istanbul

Sometimes after installation you can see the node names is shown as ip address of the node itself. Like, instead of svt01.domain.local. You don’t have to connect another ovc to run the necessary command, just change the ip address of the fqdn. It will effect directly. This command has to be run for the each OmniStackVC nodes.

svt-host-rename --from --to svt01.domain.local

SimpliVity was presented with the 1.92TB disk capacity until the launch of the SimpliVity Gen10+ with the version 4.2 on June, 2023. Now it supports 3.84TB disk with the SimpliVity 15TB and above licensing capacities. The disk capacity is so valueable for us and sometimes you may want to see the storage utilization and the following command prints out of the calculated usage and estimated remaining usage.

dsv-balance-show --shownodeip

Previous command shows the brief of the storage utilization, but the following one shows more details like which VM runs on which host, I/O details of the per VM, storage usage of per VM etc.

dsv-balance-manual -q

Along the troobleshooting or upgrade progress you may want to see the all details about your federation. The following command prints out that the version number of HPE SimpliVity, node names, datacenter and cluster names, management ip, storage federation ip, storage ip and the connection status of arbiter.


Sometimes you may see the the connectivity problem of the HPE Arbiter and want to see the log files.

grep -i arbiterdiscovery $SVTLOG

If you are planning to transfer the HPE Arbiter to a new server you can use the following command on each ovc server.

dsv-arbiter-instance-set --address x.x.x.x

vCenter password changes cause connectivity problem of the OmniStackVC and it may affect backup and deduplication progress. Following command should be run on each ovc server, but when I change the password on the top left page of the vCenter, then Administration / Users and Groups then on the domain section choose the vsphere.local (yours might be different). After chosing the domain all accounts will be listed below and you need to choose administrator then click on the edit button to change the password. I realize that when I follow these step following command I was able to log in to the OmniStackVC and using the following command is not needed anymore.

dsv-update-vcenter --server vCenter_Server_IP_address --username vCenter_user_name --password vCenter_password

If you are using the version 5, then use the following command to update vcenter login informaion on OmniStackVC.

svt-update-vcenter --server vCenter_Server_IP_address --username vCenter_user_name --password vCenter_password

Following command is needed when esxi nodes passwords are changed. More detailed information is share on my other article. I recommend IT nerds to read that article, but HPE SimpliVity usage of the command is also given below. If it is needed please click here to read.

dsv-digitalvault-init --hmsuser <hms-username> --hostip <host-ipaddress> --hostuser <host-username>

Safe shutdown OmniStack server can be done using the following command. It is same like using HPE SimpliVity function clicking on the host name then All HPE SimpliVity Actions > Shut down Virtual Controller.


Health status of HPE SimpliVity hardwares.

svt-hardware-show --detail

List backup policies of HPE Simplivity. Briefly, this command shows you policy names, when it starts, when it ends, how many days or weeks or months, where to backup (on the SimpliVity itself or External StoreOnce), retention, etc.


Check if jumbo frames work on federation network and network test

ping -M do -s 8172 x.x.x.x

Check SimpliVity Logs

cat $SVTLOG | grep -i "error fatal"

Referance document is here :

This article will be updated when I have time. Thanks for your time reading. Have a good and successfull day.


Hasan Altin

This article is updated on 25 Jun, 2024.

Published by Hasan Altin

I don't see any difference between the one who doesn't share its knowledge or the one who doesn't share its bread.

8 comments on “Useful HPE SimpliVity commands”

Hi Hasan,

Great article of some of the most needed commads for OVCs. However, I noticed that in version 5.0 the command “dsv-update-vcenter” does not longer exists. Do you know what command has to be used instead?


I realized that they replaced that command in the version 5.0. Please try svt-update-vcenter command instead, and let me know.

Have a good day.


Is there a command called unbloat or debloat? We recently had an issue I worked with a simplivity storage increasing rapidly and HPE pointed to the backups of a few servers at the issue.

A few weeks later a coworker said that there is a unbloat or debloat command we could have run. Is this true?

Thank you

Hello Patrick,

As far as I know, there is no unbloat or debload on SimpliVity. HPE guys must be right because once I faced a problem and storage was running out and I couldn’t see anyproblem. HPE guys took a look by using their own script named Zeus and found some backups that has to be deleted automatically but somehow retention policy didn’t work and it started to drain free spaces. They fix the problem using Zeus. Your problem also can be solved by that way.


Hello Hasan,

Thank you so much for this doc, i have a question please :

In our infrastructure, we have 10 SimpliVity nodes. Two of them, nodes 2 and 5, are heavily saturated at 84% storage utilization (warning: SimpliVity OmniCube Available Physical Capacity 20 Percent or Less), while the others are at 17% and 11% !!

I’ve tried manually moving some of the virtual machines (S “hives”) to a less utilized node, but they keep reverting back. I’m not sure why this is happening. I even tried disabling IWO and DRS before the manual migration, but the same result.

Thank you in advance.

Hi Mahiaoui,

Based on my understanding of the documentation, disabling IWO and DRS allows your Simplivity infrastructure to operate in an unbalanced state. I haven’t had a chance to implement a plan like yours, but I expect that disabling IWO and DRS would prevent the secondary node from holding a copy of the VM.

Have you considered using affinity rules as well? They might offer additional control over where the VMs reside.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.


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