Remotely manage Hyper-V 2016 via Windows 10

Hi guys again, If you want a fast server and if are you going to use only hyper-v server role, you can use hyper-v core. By the way, after installed windows server 2016 core, you are going to need some information at the below. I tested with my own experience and used it at one of my freelance projects. This information is short and easy. Good lucks while working your works.

On the Hyper-V server

  • Install Hyper-V Server 2016 (without GUI)
  • Set server name
  • Enable Configure remote management
  • Enable Remote Desktop
  • Set server’s network IP address

Run PowerShell as Admin and run in sequence the commands at the below on your Server

Install-WindowsFeature Hyper-V

Enable-NetFireWallRule -DisplayName “Windows Management Instrumentation (DCOM-In)”

Enable-NetFireWallRule -DisplayGroup “Remote Event Log Management”

Enable-NetFireWallRule -DisplayGroup “Remote Service Management”

Enable-NetFireWallRule -DisplayGroup “Remote Volume Management”

Enable-NetFireWallRule -DisplayGroup “Windows Firewall Remote Management”

Enable-NetFireWallRule -DisplayGroup “Remote Scheduled Tasks Management”

Get-NetFirewallProfile | Set-NetFirewallProfile -enabled false


Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role server

And run the last command on the management server to be done:

Enable-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup “Remote Volume Management.”

On the Client Machine (Windows 10)

You are going to do some changes to manage Hyper-V Server. And now Run PowerShell as Admin and run in sequence the commands at the below.


Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value ServerName

Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role client -DelegateComputer ServerName

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName:Microsoft-Hyper-V -All

cmdkey /add:ServerName /user:ServerAdministratorName /pass:ServerAdministratorPassword

Look at the picture at the below for example.

core server settings on windows 10

  • Change network type to Private
  • Add a DNS entry in your hostfile, for example “192.x.x.x ServerName“. After this process, be sure you can send ping packets from client to server.

core server host file on windows 10

ping hyper-v core server

  • Changed group policy: “Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Credentials Delegation > Allow delegating fresh credentials with NTLM-only server authentication” by doing: “Click Enable and add wsman/ServerName”
  • Disabled firewall
  • dcomcnfg > COM SECURITY > Access Permissions > Edit Limits > Anonymous Login > ALLOW Remote Access

If you have done everything, you can connect to your core server successfully like this picture.

core server settings on windows 10

See you later in another article.


Published by Hasan Altin

I don't see any difference between the one who doesn't share its knowledge or the one who doesn't share its bread.

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