How to test SMTP operations using Telnet

1. Telnet into Exchange server hosting IMS service using TCP port 25.

Command is

telnet <servername> 25

2. Turn on local echo on your telnet client so that you can see what you are typing.

On Win 9x and NT 3.5/4.0 Telnet client this done by selecting the “preferences” from the “terminal” pull down menu, and checking the local echo radio button.  For Windows 2000 telnet client, issue command “set local_echo”, from the telnet command prompt.

3. Issue the following smtp command sequence

helo <your domain name><enter> 

response should be as follows
250 OK

mail from: <your Email Address><enter>

response should be as follows

250 OK –

mail from <your Email address>

rcpt to: <recipient address><enter>

response should be as follows

250 OK –

Recipient <recipient address>


response should be as follows

354 Send data.  End with CRLF.CRLF

To: <recipient’s display name><enter>
From: <your display name><enter>
Subject: <Subject field of Email message><enter>
<Enter you body text><enter><enter> . <enter>

response should be as follows
250 OK


Thanks for reading.

See you later in another article.


Published by Hasan Altin

I don't see any difference between the one who doesn't share its knowledge or the one who doesn't share its bread.

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